
Wednesday, April 14, 2010


103/365, originally uploaded by DarrenNunis.
103/365. 13 April 2010

This is a Daim. A bundle of delicious chocolate surrounding a honeycomb centre, and a whole lot of yum. I think you can only get this at IKEA, so it must be what Swedes do when they want a sugar fix.

Tonight was supposed to be my first night in my own room, but the damn air-conditioning guys really messed up. In short shoddy workmanship, and I mean crap. Anyway that's it for me today. Besos baby.


  1. Swedish girls like candies. There are still shops just selling candies from bins where you pick different candies into a paperbag and you pay by weight.

    You should try the Daim ice cream cone,mmmmmmmm !! :)

  2. Where can I get me some of that Daim ice cream cone?
